Ministers, ambassadors, investors, research institutes, entrepreneurs, innovators, communities, and end-users from four continents gathered at a fully booked event in Stockholm last week. This is for making a sustainable difference together in line with Blue Economy as based on the inclusive Ecobarge concept. The event was part of the sWASH&grow project, which is co-financed by Vinnova, and coordinated by RISE.
During the event, two projects in Africa focusing on floating solar power, potable water, and fish processing received confirmation from project financiers. Another 4 projects were initiated within Africa, Oceania, the Caribbean, and Europe focusing on eco resorts, floating solar power, commercial ship- and pleasure boat charging, water, greenhouses, and local re-use of plastics.
From the ECOBARGE team, we wish to express our sincere thank you to all the great speakers, attending guests, and the very professional hosting and organizing team from ELECTRICITY who made this challenging hybrid event run like a clock.
If you wish to know more about Ecobarge floating solutions and its inclusive concept for securing testbeds for innovations, local community development, and the market best return on impact investments, feel free to contact us at any time.