Our purpose is to make a difference to others as equal long-term partners. To turn dreams into reality and meet the needs identified by those who have them into sound, sustainable solutions as based on mutual entrepreneurial spirit. The business models used have already been successfully implemented.
For «bankable» impact investors, banks and governmental export credit providers, as based on ship financing, the model represents unbeatable returns on investment within sustainable solutions at less risk. This as the fully insured Ecobarge themselves, and the revenues from services provided, constitute 70-90% of the collateral. Investors may have the actual investment back as revenues within 1-4 years depending on business case with up to 25 years of economic lifetime. In addition, the Ecobarge can be moved to other customers if services not paid for.
In collaboration with partners, Ecobarge evaluate need of End Users locally and engage investors and suppliers. Ecobarge design, provide turn-key engineering, procure components and services, supervise installation, and perform commissioning at site as supplier of complete turn-key Ecobarge meeting end users need locally towards locally started ship owning project companies. Through services contracts, Ecobarge also take full responsibility for education, operation and maintenance for as long as deemed required by the local community / entrepreneurs / End Users.
For suppliers and innovators, the business model provides for scalable business opportunities, secured payments prior to shipment and access to pilot plants and scaling internationally. This in co-operation with a Swedish turn-key supplier able to integrate into an enhanced offer. And who also take responsibility for education, operation and maintenance through long term service agreements reducing warranty risks. IP and commercial terms are secured through shareholder agreements between Ecobarge, investors and local partners in local SPV´s.
Service provider for End User
Sales within local market
Sourcing- / Local Production of non-key components
Assembly within local market
After Sales within local market
Turn-key Installations
For local partners end users, the model ensures sustainable services based on latest available technologies provided on terms commercially competitive with existing non-sustainable solutions, on grid and off grid. At same time the model incorporates potential for meeting the SDG´s in terms of improved governance, education, job creation, development of entrepreneurship, gender equality, poverty reduction etc. locally. This is built on Build Own Operate Transfer mode whereby the educated local community or partners may become owner of the plants providing the services included once investors exit and local entrepreneurs educated on operation and maintenance.